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Go Mochizuki / 望月 豪

Mandolinist / マンドリン奏者

Go Mochizuki is a mandolin player of classical, contemporary, pop music and so on. He leads the Mandolin Orchestra “Liberté” and also the Instrumental Band “Music KART”. He won the 5th Osaka Mandolin solo competition in 2009 as the first Japanese. He was the first mandolinist to perform at the final round of the JSCM Competition for Contemporary Music Player “KYOGAKU XI” and won the Audience Award in 2014. Being as a conductor, “LIBERTÉ” won at the “MUSIC MANDOLIN Ensemble Competition Tokyo” in 2006 and also received the Best Conductor Award. 

Go has played in several concerts in Tokyo, Osaka, Paris, Bangkok and organized some original concert series. He has premiered more than 100 of new compositions the most of them composed by contemporary composers for Go himself.

His Album includes “Tzigane” (mandolin), “Vivaldi’s Four Seasons” (mandolin & direction) “Ma Mere L’oye” (mandolin, concert master of Liberté” and “Sonnet for Mandolin”. His band “Music KART” released the first “Contemporary Pop” in 2021.

マンドリン奏者、マンドリンオーケストラ「リベルテ」代表。現代音楽とポップスを融合させたバンドMusic KARTを主宰。

2009 年第 5 回大阪国際マンドリンコンクール第 1 位、2014 年現代音楽演奏コンクール「競楽 XI」聴衆賞受賞の他、2006 年「MUSICA MANDOLINO 合奏コンクール東京」では「リベルテ」を指揮し第 1 位、最優秀指揮者賞を受賞。 これまで東京/大阪/パリ/バンコク等にてリサイタルや自主企画を開催。現代音楽にも積極的に取り組み、これまで委嘱•献呈等80曲以上の新作初演をしている。CD は「協奏曲集 四季」や「Tzigane 望月豪マンドリンリサイタル」等。2021年はMusic KARTによる「Contemporary Pop」と壺井一歩氏とのプロジェクト「マンドリンのためのソネット」をリリース。 片岡道子、越智敬、池谷淳子各氏に師事。

Go Mochizuki

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